Discover aspiring stories from women that have achieved their dreams.

the future is female

MyOrigines had the pleasure of speaking to the founder of Pai Skincare, Sarah Brown, about how her personal struggle with a chronic skin condition led her to create the company.
Her condition, known as chronic urticaria, had no known cause and was difficult to manage on a daily basis.

Frustrated by the lack of effective solutions available from hospitals and clinics, Sarah researched plant-based skincare ingredients and founded Pai Skincare with the aim of providing high-performing,
natural products for people with sensitive or challenging skin conditions.

5 questions for sarah

Has your mother, or a woman who is close to you, played an important role in your projects, in your daily life? If so, in what way?

My mum is amazing. She's a legend and, like a lot of people, she's very important to me. I'm lucky to still have her in my life. She's always been supportive, even when I made the decision to leave my job and do something new. The name of my company, Pai, comes from her Maori heritage. Maori culture is deeply rooted in New Zealand and has a strong connection to nature.

My mother supported me both emotionally and practically, from helping me pack boxes to testing early products. My friends and their girlfriends were also very supportive. They always cheered me up when I was feeling down.

Have you encountered any obstacles in creating your brand?

Starting the business was challenging because I didn't have any personal wealth and everything was self-funded. Later I raised money, but money has always been a challenge. Manufacturing has been difficult because I think that's what makes my products unique. I've faced pressure to outsource, but I want to be a creator and own my formulas.

Scaling has also been a challenge as we have a huge factory in London and I've invested millions in it rather than advertising. The clean and natural market is also challenging as there is a lot of greenwashing and it's difficult to differentiate between truly natural products and those that claim to be. As a business owner, it's frustrating to see the lack of transparency in the market.

Do you have any advice for mothers on how to juggle family and work?

As a mother of two young boys, I've received a lot of advice, but it's not easy. I have to admit that it's particularly challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic with having to homeschool. However, I've learned that the key is to prioritize the quality of your time with your children, not the quantity. When you do have time with them, make it count by giving them your undivided attention.

It's also important to let go of the guilt and lower your standards of cleanliness. The house may always be a mess, but that's okay. Just focus on the essentials, like being dressed and brushing your teeth, and take help wherever you can get it, whether it's from family or hired help. Being organized is also crucial, especially for mothers who also work. I've found that mothers make great business owners because they are hyper-productive and have a great perspective. So, be kind to yourself, ask for help, and surround yourself with support.

A wellness habit to help you juggle your life as a mother and business owner?

I am aiming for a monthly treatment with a local woman who works out of her home, she is a gem. The treatment is a peculiar form of acupressure on the face, neck and head. It's hard to explain, but it's deeply meditative and leaves me feeling remarkably grounded and calm for hours afterwards.

I also make sure I start my day with a healthy breakfast, usually with a green juice or smoothie on the side to ensure I get a serving of vegetables and set the right tone for the day. That way, even if my diet goes wrong later in the day when I'm in the office or on a plane, I've started on the right track and can let go of any guilt.

Your top must-have products for a busy day?

I can't go without wearing mascara. I feel incomplete without it. I have small eyelashes and mascara makes a big difference. I always carry the Impossible Glow with me in miniature form, in the champagne shade. It's a quick way to add a little life to your face by patting it under your skin or as highlights on your cheekbones. I also mix it into my morning moisturizer or SPF to make sure my skin is protected. SPF is also very important.